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  • 2022-09-16



龙门石窟(Longmen Grottoes)坐落于河南洛阳市南。它和云冈石窟(Yungang Caves)、莫高窟(Mogao Caves)被视为中国最著名的三大石窟。许多关于艺术、音乐、宗教、书法、医药、服装和建筑的历史资料都保存在龙门石窟里。龙门石窟1400个洞穴内有多大10万座雕像,雕像高度从1英寸到57英尺不等。这些作品完全致力于佛教主题,代表了中国石刻艺术的巅峰。

Longmen Grottoes are located in the south of Luoyang city,Henan province. Longmen Grottoes,Yungang Caves and Mogao Caves are regarded as the three most famous grottoes in China. Lots of historical materials concerning arts,music,religion,calligraphy,medicine,costume and architecture are kept in Longmen Grottoes. There are as many as 100,000 statues within the 1,400 caves,ranging from 1 inch to 57 feet in height. These works entirely devoted to the Buddhist religion,represent the peakedness of Chinese stone carving art.

毕竟受人之鱼不如授之渔。如果你的时间比较充足看看一些写作常用单词,四六级单词你可以用雷哥单词(不看手机也能背单词)、百词斩(图文记忆)等来积累。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是。


对比选择型作文模板+范文模板一Topic:___1 Different people have different views on___.2 It is held by some ___.3 But it is held by others ___.4 Those who hold the first opinion think ___.5 In their view。


Homestay refers to a place that provides personalized accommodation for tourists by using the spare rooms of self-used residential buildings and combining with local culture,natural landscape,and resources. In addition to common hotels,other places that can provide accommodation for tourists,such as residential houses,farms,ranches,etc.,can be classified into homestays. Unlike traditional hotels,homestays may not have luxurious facilities,but they can offer a local experience. Similar services can be found around the world. Homestay varies in different countries due to different environment and culture.



The National Art Museum of China (NAMOC) is the only national art museum of plastic arts in China. Starting to be built in 1958 and formally opened to the public in 1963,the museum is a national cultural landmark after foundation of the People's Republic of China. NAMOC integrates exhibition,collection,research,public education,international exchange,restoration of artworks and cultural and creative industries. It is the highest hall of fine arts in China and also a public cultural service platform. The museum houses more than 110,000 pieces of various collections,most of which are representative artworks of Chinese art masters of different periods. Collections also include foreign artistic works as well as plentiful folk art works.




《英语四六级写作必掌握的72个重点句型x》百度网盘资源免费下载 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1YdEzOoNfYf220zgCJD7eNw 提取码: kp9h 写作|作文模板大全.doc|英语四六级写作必掌握的72个重点句型。

The construction of the Chinese space station will be completed by the end of this year and become a national space laboratory. Hereafter,the project will move into an application and development phase which will last more than 10 years. 25 scientific experimental cabinets can be deployed in the Chinese space station,each of which is a small space laboratory that can support the development of single or multi-disciplinary space science experiments. The Wentian experimental module is mainly applied for space life science research. The Mengtian experimental cabin is mainly applicable for microgravity scientific research. In addition,there are also external exposure test devices for materials outside the experimental cabin ,which are used to carry out extravehicular experimental projects.



As one of the Hundred Schools of Thought,Confucianism was found by Confucius,四六级作文真题个人品质,developed by Mencius,and epitomized by Xunzi. It develops continuously and has vitality till now. Confucianism has profound influence on Chinese culture by the Four Books and the Five Classics taught by generation after generation during the thousands of years of feudal society. The ideas of responsibility,loyalty and filial piety,tolerance,and ethics are all the combination of Confucianism and autocracy. Therefore,Confucianism is still the mainstream ideology of Chinese people.



With the revival of traditional culture,people pay more and more attention to HanFu. The so-called &34; does not refer to the clothing in Han dynasty,but refers to the traditional clothing of the Han nationality. It is obviously different from the traditional clothing and accessories of other nationalities. The reason is that the inhabitants of the Han dynasty are Huaxia nationality,but the traditional costumes of the Han can be traced back to the Zhou dynasty. In traditional China,the status of clothing is very important. In addition to the basic role of concealment,heating and aesthetics,the most important is the cultural and political meaning it represents.




It's advisable to 四.满分作文必备短语句子1.四六级考试常用谚语1)Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。2)All is not gold that glitters. 发光的未必是金子。3)All roads lead to Rome。

Social practice is a real activity where college students use their spare time to enter the society for social contact and thus improve their overall abilities,which is an indispensable course for all undergraduates. Here are some benefits we can get from social practice.

For one thing,it is helpful for college students to have a correct understanding of themselves and a sense of urgency for their own growth. Through a wide range of social practice activities,students can see the gap between themselves and the market demand,thus making them be determined to enhance themselves. For another thing,it is beneficial to promote college students’ ability to adapt to the society. After lots of practice,students can improve their abilities of social communication and operation,which will make a solid foundation for their future career development.

To sum up,if college students arrange time properly between study and practice,social practice will be of great significance for their future development.


四六级作文主要有以下四个类型:1.现象阐释型 这类作文多为提纲式作文或图表式作文。这类命题要求考生对某一社会现象进行解释,分析产生该现象的原因并加以评论。

1、听力,有三种题型,dialogue(十个对话),passage(三个短文),compound dictation(复合式听写,也就是传说中的段子题),第一种每年必考,后两种逐年交替,其中考passage的次数相对较多。 最容易得分的是dialogue和passage。

Environmental protection is closely related to our daily life,四六级主题类作文题目,and the simplest ways for our ordinary people to protect our home are no littering and classifying them according to their kinds. In addition,through garbage sorting,we can change some waste materials into things of value. The are some methods for us to carry out the activity of garbage sorting.

相应作文:The importance of self-confidence Currently, self-confidence has been the order of the day. This does demonstrate the theory --- nothing is more valuable than self-confidence。

First of all,we should know the classification of different kinds of garbage,such as residual waste,household food waste,hazardous waste and recyclable waste,and so on. After knowing the theoretical knowledge about garbage sorting,what we should do next is making it into practice. Last but not least,we can popularize the knowledge of garbage classification to ordinary people by means of newspaper and television programs,so as to make more people involved in this activity.

Garbage sorting is an activity that everyone needs to participate in. I believe that with the joint efforts of all of us,our earth will become more beautiful than ever before.



2020王菲四级六级作文模板(2.54G标清视频)百度网盘 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1l-GS0239apEuWlvTV8jU6w 提取码: k5ij 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App。

常见的四六级作文类型有九种,分别是解决问题型、对比选择型、说明利弊型、原因现象型、图表型、图片型、阐述主题或名言型、介绍型和信件型。下面给你分享一下这九种常见类型的写作结构及模板:一、解决问题型 1。

Generally,everyone has his or her ideal jobs. Some people has the detailed aim such as a teacher,a doctor,2022年6月英语六级作文预测,or a lawyer,and others may have not decided a certain career,instead of which,they want a job with challenges or creativity. In my opinion,having an ideal job means having the inspiration and incentives,and my ideal job should be with following traits.

First,it must ensure me to learn something new. Since learning new things is the mission of my whole life,and it will make the everyday job not so tedious. Second,it should give me some challenges,and in other words,it should not be too easy for me. Because the difficulties and frustrations in work will make me improve my skills in many aspects. Third,the working atmosphere should be harmonious,in which I can make friends with my colleagues. Since most people are busy working nowadays,and the companies may become the appropriate place where we can meet new friends.

Also,to obtain the ideal job,I should study and work hard in my daily life,and the aspiration will be realized someday.


As we all know,since we live in a society made up of numerous people,we cannot do everything independently without being helped by others,and we should also give our hands when needed. And the kinds of help can range from handing over something to others to donating money to the ones in need. In my opinion,helping others has following benefits.

First,when helping others,we can obtain the sense of being demanded,which is a kind of happiness. Generally,when somebody seeks help from us and we offer our supports to him,it will be a success for us since we can do something for others. To make our friends,families,or even the strangers happy can be satisfactory for ourselves. Second,the help is interactive since when we have difficulties,others will also help us. Helping others is a good way to make friends. If we just live with neglecting others’ needs and appeals,they will also do us the same and we will live a lonely life without just a friend.

Therefore,helping others can be advantageous for both ourselves and other people,and we should do our best to help people in need.
