
  • 环保
  • 2022-09-18

Unit 28 The Importance of Protecting Environment

保护环境英语作文篇1 Environmental pollution can cause direct damage and impact to ecosystems, such as desertification and forest damage, which can also cause indirect hazards to ecosystems and human societies。



Dear editor。

保护环境英语 范文 一 hello everyone! my name is cherry.I am a sunshine girl .I am the the student of Nanshan experimental school . I'm in class 2 grade 5 and I'm eleven years old. Recently。

In the past,my hometown


参考例文:With the development of our society, energy in the world becomes more and more limited, so it is quite important for us to save energy and to protect our environment. As a student。

Dear editor。

In the past,关于环保的英语作文80词,my hometown used to be① a beautiful place. It was surrounded② by plenty of③ trees and covered with green grass everywhere . Later,people destoryed many tress to turn forests into farmland,and a lot of water and soil was carried away down the hills. Thus,much farmland has become wasteland④. What’s worse⑤,this wasteland is increasing and our villagers are suffering from sandstorms⑥.

As middle school students,we can also do a lot of helpful things.(作为中学生的我们,也可以做许多有利于环保的事)For example,we can protect it by not throwing rubbish away.(比如说。

I think it is time for us to realize⑦ the importance of protecting the environment⑧ and to do something about it,such as planting trees,growing grass and so on. I’m sure that our hometown will become beautiful again in a few years’ time⑨ if we do so.

Yours Sincerely,环境保护类英语作文素材。

Liu Mei


①used to be:过去是,以前是(含有现在不是的意思)

关于环保的英语作文1 As we all know, pollution is harmful to living beings. There are many different types of pollutions in this world. For instance, water pollution, air pollution。


保护环境英语作文80字篇1 We want to clean the earth, eager to healthy earth, eager to the homes of environmental protection, eager to green, health。

③plenty of:充足的,大量的



⑤what’s worse: 更糟糕的是……

保护环境的英语作文 篇1 Environment for us, it is very important, its like a big umbrella, zhefengdangyu for us to protect our homes, if left the magic umbrella, that our home will be like the Sahara desert。


⑦it’s time for us to do…: 是我们该做……的时候了


⑨in a few years’ time: 几年以后(与一般将来连用)



