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  • 2022-10-01

环境是当今社会的一个核心话题,保护校园环境是每一位师生共同的责任和义务。然而,现在的校园中随意涂写(to scribble)和乱扔垃圾(to litter)的现象却屡见不鲜,为学校提建议和想法英语作文。因此,关于校园环境保护的话题应该引起高度的重视,本文将给出一篇关于校园环境的英语范文,并附有相应的翻译的评析,供学习者学习、积累。

作文思路:通过描写学校里的环境的美丽,来衬托学校不仅是学习园地,也是花园。作文要点:学校不仅是学习的点,她的环境更是令人向往。my school 当我第一次踏入美丽的学校,就喜欢上了这个充满生机的学校。

、小学介绍学校英语作文之我亲爱的学校 Hello! I'm Lily. I study in Hongda School. It is in Zhejiang. It is divided into primary school, middle school and high school. So, it is very big。


School is our second home,where we spend the majority of time living and learning. Therefore,a good school environment is the precondition for our health and growth.

校园 生活英语 作文演讲1 With time goes by, it becomes a bit hard for me to remember everything about myself at the first day of my college life. However。

介绍自己的学校:Dear Mr Smith,I was so pleased to hear from you and I am writing to tell you something about my school.You are right.Quite a few changes have taken place here。

However,I am sorry to have witnessed some improper behaviour among us students: scribbling and littering everywhere. Not only does it destroy our school environment,it is also a spoiler of the image of our school.


This issue is now crying out to be solved and it should be a common concern for the school administration,staff,and all the students. In my humble view,the school should place more dustbins around the set up specific rules against those rude practices. At the same time,students should be encouraged to develop good habits and enough awareness of environment protection.

My school is very beautiful. It's in Guicheng, near Qiandeng lake.我的学校很漂亮。它在贵城,靠近千灯湖。You know what? It is Nanhai Experimental Primary School. I like my school very much.你知道吗。

介绍学校的英语作文 篇1 I am in NO.2 Middle School. I love my school . There are more than 1500 students in our school. We have math English Chinese music art P.E and so on。

第一篇:My School I am a student of Hope Middle School.My campus is big and beautiful.There are many tall trees and beautiful flowers.There is also a big playground。

I hold a firm belief,with the joint effort of all people concerned,that our school will become a more enjoyable place in the near future. I am looking forward to a more tidy school,and a more beautiful world.




Now, I am studying in Tiantao Primary School. I am a student of Grade six. The campus is beautiful. There are many tress, flowers and grass in my school. Tiantao Primary School is famous in my city。





这是一篇关于校园环境保护的结构清晰、语言流畅的精品范文。文中用到了很多高级的词汇,例如,majority(大部分),precondition(先决条件),写一篇关于校园的英语作文,witness(目睹),joint effort(共同努力)等等。句式使用上也非常灵活优美,not only...but also的使用 (Not only does it destroy our school environment,it is also a spoiler of the image of our school.)高效地表达出了一个递进关系;非谓语动词的完成体作原因状语( I am sorry to have witnessed some improper behaviour among us students: scribbling and littering everywhere. )使用的非常地道。同时,文章从思想层面也体现出了一定的深度,从校园到世界( I am looking forward to a more tidy school,and a more beautiful world. )看到了小作者高度的世界责任感。
